Hello everyone, I'm going to try to put to screen what I've been thinking about for the past 48 hours... I don't think I'm going to be able to completely express everything, but I'll do my best... I debated about posting this for a while, since I didn't want to inflict my thoughts upon any of my readership, but simultaneously, I feel that any thoughts others might have would be really helpful to me, so if reading this sparks any thoughts in your mind, let me know
That being said, it might also be a good idea to pray that your heart and mind are protected in Christ Jesus before continuing to read...
So, If you'll scroll down to my last real post, you'll notice how I discuss the concept of authority... so, that got me thinking about where people get their notions of authority... I was also following some discussion on the merits of religious faith vs agnosticism vs aetheism on a discussion board. Taking the aetheist's perspective, I could not come up with any reason to conclude that any authority was really legitimate... obedience to authority might be advisable if that authority could harm you, obedience to moral law would be fine if that was something that made you happy... but I couldn't come up with any objective reason to do anything other than precisely what you want...
Now, I must confess that I sometimes get frustrated (in an abstract sense) that people don't seem to think much about the big questions... people seem more content just living their day to day lives, unconcerned whether or not there is any bigger picture... often doing good, often doing bad... I thought that perhaps this "distracted-ness" might actually be a blessing from God... in that, if people who chose not to believe in God thought about things hard and long, they might reach the same conclusion that I did, and pure anarchy, and self-interested hate of others would result...
Now, I think there were some other thoughts in here that I can't remember at the moment, but I recall that all my thoughts seemed to logically proceed from a previous thought, so there had to have been something in here...
I ended up thinking about how we know anything about God... I concluded that the only things we are able to know about God are those things he chooses to communicate to us or allow us to pick up on... not just in the sense that the bible is his communication to us... but more generally...anything that we can observe about God from the universe for instance is something that he put in the universe to allow us to observe... we don't have any ability to make observations about God without him knowing it, and therefore being able to regulate what we observe...
This was a rather disturbing thought... It allowed the possibility that the whole message of Christianity is "true" in the sense of being that which God has communicated to humans, while still allowing God to be totally different than the description of himself presented by Christianity... in other words, what would prevent God from presenting a totally different picture of himself to us than what he really is...
"Well, the bible says that God is a God of truth." Ok, fine, but... what would prevent a lying god from telling mortals that he is a truthful god?
"Well, Jesus' death proves that God was willing to humble himself to our level... so, he must care about us." Ok... without even denying that Jesus was God, how do we know that the process of becoming human was at all demanding for God? It could have been the easiest thing in existence for him...
This whole line of thought was very disturbing to me.... I still can't figure out whether or not it is actually some reasonable form of doubt outside of doubt of the essential message of Christianity, or whether it is "old doubt" in some new metaphysical clothing...
The way I was able to come up with at least a partial solution to this dilemna was as follows... I essentially postulated that god was in fact lying to humans through his creation and his special revelation... ok... why would he do such a thing? Merely to torment us? If so, I conclued that if God were merely a cosmic sadist, he could have created a much more painful world for us than the one we inhabit (this is the opposite of the Candide "Best of all possible worlds" line... I conclude that this is definitely not the "worst of all possible worlds")... soo... the only reason for him to communicate untruth to us here in the temporal world would be to get us to do something... but... what could we possibly do in this temporal world that would matter to god? Convert more people to believe in him?? So what? If god were interested in torment etc, again he could simply create new individuals...
The only possible reason I could come up with for God to lie to humanity is if the highest pleasure for God is irony... ie. observing individuals devote their lives to following what are ostensibly God's principles, only to then see the look on their faces when he damns them for the rest of eternity...
Occham's razor seemed to rule out this rather unlikely deity...
In general I've also been thinking a good deal about eternity... and whether or not we really have free will... I mean, God didn't ask any of us if we wanted to exist... he just made us... and made us exist... of course, on the other hand, it's rather rediculous to discuss whether or not something that doesn't exist wants to exist.
I also thought about children... and I'm not certain about having children... I mean... can I truly take on the responsibility of bringing a consciousness into existence for the rest of eternity? Of course, I also considered whether or not the physical act of producing a child here on earth actually produces or is linked to the production of a new consciousness... but I don't think that souls are merely stacked up in a cosmic warehouse somewhere, waiting to be shunted into whatever body becomes available... I have no memory of such a thing...
Of course, bringing a consciousness into existence for the rest of eternity wouldn't be a bad thing if it was known to be a good thing... but I was also pondering the nature of eternity... I concluded that in order for heaven to not actually be torment in the long run, there would have to be not only eternal existence awaiting us, but also infinite creativity... there would always have to be something new... otherwise it would seem inevitable that a finite amount of stuff would be come old and wearying after an eternity and therefore intolerable...
Of course, this seemed to call into question the whole notion of there being any sort of hierarchy in heaven... if heaven is a joyful place for everyone, and for it to be so demands that everyone have access to infinite creativity (whether their own or God's), how could anyone have something that others did not have? The only possible explanantion involved a notion that I read in the "Beyond the Cosmos" book about the theological implications of extra-dimensionailty... that there might be some possibility of "orders of infinity".. ie. infinity squared... or cubed... or too the 100th....but honestly, such a notion, while perhaps mathematically possible, confounds any further analysis.
There have been alot of other thoughts in the past two days, and I don't think I can recall all of them, or put them to screen here... this however gives you an idea about what I've been wrestling with...
I'm afraid that existence will become burdensome... don't get me wrong here, I'm not suicidal or anything... I said existence, not life... currently, life is the only thing protecting me from eternity.
The thing is, despite all my thoughts, I haven't been able to reach any solid conclusions... I can't conclude that there is any reason to change how I'm conducting my life, and yet it seems somewhat futile... the words in ecclesiaties... "meaningless, meaningless... everything is meaningless," come to my mind...
Can I really have complete faith in someone who is holding all the cards???