Entertaining weekend... won't bore you with the detailed accounts of valiant Spartan shield walls standing against oncoming hordes of tall, tattooed, semi-clothed Gauls... Instead, I'll bore you with some pointed thoughts about radio, and some rather less well aimed thoughts about the trip in general.
18 hours of solo driving gives a man a lot of free air time. Having not yet made the advance to
XM, and having forgotten to requisition Di's cd(or mp3)-player-to-car interface kit, I was forced to turn to the constantly changing contours of the FM and AM frequencies. Constantly changing not simply because I drove under the occaisional bridge, but because it seemed that just as a station got interesting, I started driving out of its signal range. I was mostly unimpressed by the musical fare offered by the FM bandwidth, so I ended up listening to a lot of talk and news on the AM.
Listened to commentators from across the spectrum. Caught some O'Reilly somewhere in KY. Listened to
Hewitt and Hannity in IN. Was bemused to find that Air America had evidently managed to pay up through the end of the month, and listened to it in Chi-town. Even caught a bit of Rush on the way back home in IL.
Although it's old news now, some thoughts on AA. It's as bad as Rush... haven't listened to him enough recently to say it's
worse than Rush, but it's definitely as bad. Three observations:
1. Conspiracy theory seemed to be given at least equal weight as actual substantiated fact. By both callers and hosts.
2. Rather obvious disdain for the US population... at one point referred to as "dumbassiffied". It rather surprised me that there were callers at all.
3. Group identity politics (and sterotype based jokes) seemed out in full force.
Oh yes, and Al Franken is not at all funny.
The most listenable portions of the broadcast that I heard were some of the guest commentators... both hosts and callers seemed entirely off the wall... I hope that AA does not represent the mainstream of our democratic party...
Now I can't discount the programming's possible value for entertainment (in the same vein as Rush)... but OTOH, those who find the notion of guillotining those on the other side of the aisle entertaining... well... they might be more comfortable in la premiere republique.
As a point of comparison, it seemed that the derision of AA was focused first on Bush and cabinet, and second on anyone who voted for him or even thought that he ought not be impeached. Rush OTOH, (perhaps having established a greater rapport with those he knows as his audience) directed his acid against "the elites". At the very least, Rush's approach seems a bit more politic, offending only those who would self-identify as "elites" (probably a small or even empty subset of those Rush would similarly identify)... AA seems poised to offend everyone who doesn't already think they are smarter than everyone else... ie. the vast majority of post-adolescents. Their loss I guess...
After having seen him advertised on lileks all the time, I was interested to hear Hewitt, and though I only caught a little bit, I rather wish he was syndicated here in Nashville. Really though, I'm much more likely to get news and opinion from the web than the radio anytime I'm not in my car. :)
On a more gruesome note, this trip saw more roadkill than I'm generally accustomed too... Racoons, skunks, possums... a deer or two... some rather less identifiable melanges of fur and flesh. What was most strinking to me was a stretch of perhaps a hundred miles in southern IL and western KY where there seemed to be a dead animal every mile on the mile.... all neatly lined up on the side of the road. It made me wonder why most roadkills seemed to be lying on the shoulder... it seemed unlikely that they had been hit there... I surmised that corpses on the side of the road represented animals grazed by vehicles as they began a highway crossing attempt... forced back, they likely succumbed to internal injuries or bleeding rather quickly.
Those animals that made it to the highway center before getting hit?
Well.. their remains would likely have a much shorter halflife on the centerline.