If you keep up with the larger weblog community, it seems likely that you've seen this story about a new ultra-human looking robot developed by... yes, unsurprisingly, a Japanese scientist. Somewhat of an interesting story I guess, but really, what's the larger signifigance?
Well, based on an online poll I just stumbled across, it could be big business.
(A note on terminology: 'hit' in this context I presume to mean not 'strike' but rather something more like 'tap'.)
This does raise some interesting political questions though. Will Nevada's workers start lobbying against outsourcing? Will divorce laws need to be rewritten? Will the three laws of robotics be expanded to include... ehhh.... never mind....
Well, based on an online poll I just stumbled across, it could be big business.
(A note on terminology: 'hit' in this context I presume to mean not 'strike' but rather something more like 'tap'.)
This does raise some interesting political questions though. Will Nevada's workers start lobbying against outsourcing? Will divorce laws need to be rewritten? Will the three laws of robotics be expanded to include... ehhh.... never mind....