My life in 2030 -- Version 1.0:
...The drive after we got on I-40 was a silent one. Thomas was understandably silent and presumably pensive, staring out the window. Lucie and Nora were uncharacteristically silent as well, and neither even had a book in hand, making the silence all the more surprising. I believe they were both sneaking sidelong glances at Thomas as we drove. Even young Everett remained still, although he was engrossed in his eebee.
For my part, I stayed out of the express lanes... feeling the steering wheel in hand was a small comfort at least. I was of course most concerned about Miche. I glanced over, and then offered my right hand. She took it and squeezed hard.
The traffic swelled noticeably as we hit the first of the four Clinton exits. Pod semis packed the express lanes, and traffic in the transit lanes was slowing down below the speed limit. I was thankful that my wife had gotten us up early enough that a bit of traffic was not a problem. Check in for the flight wasn't scheduled to begin for another three hours.
We finally hit the Burns Flat exit, and I made a left onto highway 44 heading for the spaceport. I had been here once before, but over a decade ago, and business had certainly been good since then. All the buildings looked new, and trees were in abundance. Traffic was of course even worse than it had been on the interstate, but after merging we were making good enough time.
The civil engineering marvel of a modern spaceport spread out around us, and I followed the signs to reach "departures". "Dad, I'm reporting in," I heard from the backseat, In the hudview I saw Thomas had his multi out and was airing something in.
Swiping in 10 NUSD worth, the parking attendant waved me in, and we ended up with a spot in Lot C26. "Last stop, everybody out," I said, no doubt failing to sound particularly jocular. I popped the rear door and told Pom-Pom to get the luggage. Thomas would have to repack it all after he went through check in and briefing, but at least all he needed was in a pair of bags....